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  • Word Problems for Kindergarten – Summer Edition


    This pack contains 20 addition and subtraction word problems (10 of each) for Kindergarten students (addition and subtraction within 10) that are perfect for the summer months!

    It requires little to no prep – just print and that’s it! Plus, all items are in black and white and require no color ink.

    ⭐SAVE BIG with the Year-Long Bundle


    Word Problems for Kindergarten Students!

    This pack contains summer themes such as camping, the beach, and ice cream.

    It is designed for end-of-year Kindergarten students going into 1st grade. This pack is actually 40 pages, as it contains a second set (same problems as the first) where students must create their own equations without a template. The problems are the same, this just provides a little less support for your students that are ready.

    There is also a cover page if you want to have a word problem journal. Simply print the entire pack 2-sided, staple, and your students have a word problem journal for the month!

    ***TIPS and Instructions – Students listen to or read the word problem (in Kindergarten, it is almost always necessary to read the problems aloud). They may use the included number line and 10 frame (both are on every page) or their own pictures to help them solve the problems. They then write the numbers in the equation template which is set up for them.

    It is up to you if you require the drawings. I often teach my students that using circles or tallies can count as a drawing because I don’t want the focus to be the “artwork.” I am hopeful these help you and your Kindergarteners develop word problem practice!

    This pack supports the following Common Core Standards:

    Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.

    Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.

    ⭐SAVE BIG with the Year-Long Bundle

    What educators are saying:

    These were great this last spring for my summer school Kindergarten kids going into 1st grade. Thanks!
    — Deborah C.

    Love these monthly word problems! We practice everyday!
    Jen A.

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